When the Wall fell and East-Berlin was opened, a tremendous amount of abandoned, unused and empty spaces left by the old political and economic system appeared on the map. It took decades for the new system to establish order and regulations and to re-distribute these spaces.

It also set free several young generations of East-Germans, open and stimulated to explore what may come, and of West-Germans, who gradually seeped into the area and to whom an undeveloped, ruinous metropolis in a power-vacuum was unheard of. There and then, both of these groups may have experienced a freedom never known before.

People started to explore these ´unknown territories´ and relics of other times - often clear memories of sinister historical significance. To them it was a possibility-horizon for a new beginning, alternative utilization, re-creation, ideas and - quite logically - celebration. They used sites they found as a canvas upon which to create social events and experiencial moments.

Simultaneously, a new kind of music was born and since then has become inseparably connected to Berlin. Techno music introduced an experience of exclusively synthetic sounds with a computing-precise beat and a design of sine-curves arranged into cascading sound-architectures. It focused on re-discovering pure, primal, archaic rhythm found in African and indigenous music. Put together, these aspects were entirely new to Western music-tradition and to general sound-perception. Yet it provided much of the soundtrack with which communion and identity was explored in these new territories.

This photographic series brings us to places and events of several ´scenes´ from ravers to hackers, as well as to grotesque situations as they occurred during the second post-wall decade.

Beat Park Series


The images of this series are mosaic composites – that means, that a subject is photographed as a number of single shots that function as tiles which are then digitally assembled to a seamless whole. For each scene dozens or even hundreds of single images are taken. First photographs of the architecture of the space are primed, then those of the people and social interaction are composited. The amount of images costituating the whole determines the size of the image. This way large images with high resolution are created - some of which mural size. The digital construction and preparation of one image takes on average two and often several months. The series is currently including some +30 viewing-ready images. The narration will be finished with about 40 images.

Some stats:

  1. 14.000 single shots

  2. 50 Locations

  3. 157 Scenes

  4. typically 3 sometimes 10 versions per scene (position, focal length, exposure, focus).

  5. Some scenes were visited for several years at the same day and same time.

• One image in construction weighs on average 4 GB




A smile is in the air, eyes are meeting, two dancers are embracing each other, a naked woman strolls along on the beach, wide skies, it is summer. The photographs of Patrick Palucki are zooming into detail, they register every blink of an eye, open the doors of perception - to the inner, the psyche, and to the outer, into space, into the landscape.

With the technical possibilities of the 21 century the artist creates tableaux, those detailed portrayals and scenes of humans in spaces that - as a form of urban description - are retraceable back to the french enlightenment. In this way he captures moments, not as measured units of time, but as a quality of experience. Quiet, promising and ecstatic.

It is not the large stages of society, that Palucki depicts, but the hidden, nightly face of the city. This face, however, has originated the image of Berlin as "Europe´s biggest tent camp" (SZ). One may claim that the underground, that has evolved through the free spaces, through the "temporary autonomic zones" in post-wall Berlin, has become something like the leading culture. Palucki is therefor also a chronist of Berlin where it is the most present.

Anja Schwanhäußer PhD, urban ethnologist and author of the book

„Cosmonauts of the Underground. Ethnography of a Berlin Scene“